The sourdough backlash is quite something isn’t it

Seems an…odd thing to get cross about

Altho I can also put my 🤚🏻up to being disproportionately cross about things atm

Let folk have their moment of (not mother’s) pride
In the big scheme of things it’s only a load of bread m8
Quite interesting, a lot of folk who wanna control what people are posting during lockdown are also those who advocate we #BeKind & talk about mental health & stuff.

Breadmaking can also be mindfulness for ppl who don’t like mindfulness.
If it gets you thru then do wtf you like.
Right, enough preaching. 😬🍞

Now, where did I put those knob gags…
Please post your moments of sourdough pride in this thread. I’d genuinely love to see them.

I’m a relative newbie and find it quite relaxing, as it forces me to slow down. Something I’m not very good at. 🥴
For those of you who Hate-Fucking-Sourdough… (or anything else 😬)

Please post the things that are disproportionately irritating the shit out of you rn. 🥴

(I don’t mean the govt etc — that’s proportionate.)
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