Funny how these supposedly big, tough men are so eager to socialize. I thought they were loners, rugged individuals, not the kind of pansies who need book clubs and baby showers to have fun.
Of course, the Republican posturing of big, tough guyness has always been laughably thin. These are people who melt down because of minor changes to light bulbs and toilets. They are soft, coddled people who whine like children at the slightest inconvenience.
The people showing how tough they are? Women. Most health care workers are women. Women who are organizing sewing drives for masks online. Women holding together houses under maximal stress. Not gun-toting jackasses who melt down because they might miss an NFL season.
This crisis has exposed how what makes you tough isn’t the right wing drag of camo, guns, and swastik— er, Confederate flags. The female-coded work of care-giving is what makes people tough. Our mommies and nurses are the ones carrying us through this.
The same dudes who like to wax poetic about soldiers sacrificing their lives? When told they can’t paint their house for a couple months, they act like I did when I was 5 and needed a tooth pulled. Jesus H. Christ, Republican. It may not be P.C., but I’ll say it: Grow a pair.
Unfortunately, many workers, especially low income workers, don’t have the choice to “just” stay at home. If McDonalds is forcibly re-opened, those folks will have to show up or be fired.
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