So. Teachers do not engage in child minding. They educate. It is a profession. They do not stick children in front of a screen. They educate. That this is not easily understood, is understandable. Ice skating at the Olympics looks easy too - to those who have no idea :)
The easier you think my job is to do - as a teacher - the better I am at my job. If I’m really good? It looks seamless. A classical guitarist, a dancer, a teacher - make it look easy. Take it as a compliment if people think this!
Do not let anyone divide teachers, divide schools, divide sectors... do not let politics and ideology and professional critics dictate the agenda. All schools are open, all schools are transforming education, all teachers are working flat chat. Smile at the critics!
And remember why we are in this profession - to care for and to educate young people to make informed and wise decisions about who they want to be, and what they want to to in life. It’s a calling that can never be minimised.
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