This, this, this. The NHS is a public service that governments have intentionally starved and carved off chunks to line the pockets of their rich mates. Do not let your heart be warmed by stories of donations. Get angry that we're in this position.
The NHS was created so that people would not have to rely on charity in order to receive vital medical care. We cannot let anyone think of it as a charity again.
Anyway, obviously the money raised in these heartwarming endeavours doesnt actually go to the NHS in any direct way, but instead to a body which does charity development, and I hope they pour all of it into material and mental health support for NHS workers after this.
I repeat, and I think we should be really precise about this so as not to normalise "donating to the NHS" (do that by paying your taxes!) - you're in fact donating to and fundraising for NHS Charities Together and it's kind of unclear what will be done with the money.
Worthy cause, and I think a lot of it will probably end up going to support for staff in the longer term - which, btw should also be paid for by taxes.
Also, I can't blame NHS Charities Together for currently being vague about where the money will go and how it will be distributed. Sometimes it's bit of a poisoned chalice for a charity to receive a large amount of money very suddenly.
You have to decide very quickly what to do with it and ensure it's distributed for its intended purpose.
I very much doubt *any* charity would have the resources to immediately ensure distribution and spending of the right resources on the right things, particularly in a time of crisis and with many charities furloughing workers.
So yeah. The NHS is not a charity and donors aren't donating to it anyway. That money will probably make a difference to staff support further down the line, but I don't want people pissy because PPE shortages persist. I want you mad at the government.
Also, I know it's antithetical to the British mindset but one of the best ways you can support NHS staff is to directly give them money. Paypal a nurse £20 and they can spend it how they like, whether on bills or fancy bubble bath.
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