Sometimes, I wonder if African parents know the damage they are doing to the psyche of their children by imposing their will on them. Honestly, if you have parents who support your life choices and do not force you to bend to archaic ideas, you should be grateful af!

If I can thank my mum for anything for life, it's the fact that she didn't conform to the popular African style of parenting. She's my hero for that. Some parenting styles are toxic af.
A few weeks back, I made a tweet that suggested that children form personalities from their environment and that parents owe their children the task of instilling certain life virtues in them.
What I forgot to add was that at certain ages, the child should be left to make certain decisions on their own. It's messed up out here having parents make you feel like a slave in your own house.
As a youth, you're already faced with the problems Nigeria has placed in your hands. It's terrible enough to graduate from the University and not have a job to fall back to. You start to overthink and become depressed.
One would expect that some parents would be sensitive to the plights their children but no, all they know is to make their kids feel inadequate 🤦🏿‍♂️.
In the last few weeks, I've heard real life stories of how parents have led their innocent kids into depression without them even knowing.
A 15 y/o is already considering committing suicide because he/she doesn't know better and when she does, her parents will dodge the blame and put on the devil. You killed her ma'am. It wasn't suicide, it was murder.
I sincerely hope we do better as parents. Because if not, with the way the world is going now, children will soon start revolting and that'll be very very bad.
If you relate to this thread, love and light.
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