‘Empower all people with special needs or a disability to progress, to reach their full potential and to play a full part in society’ - the text of the framework document between FF and FG re disability. A short analysis. 1/n
Empower? Jesus lads were ye sitting in a circle chanting when you came up with this insipid rubbish? Where are the Human rights? Ensuring the UNCRPD is implement? Perhaps fixing society and not the disabled people? 2/n
Special Needs? Did you really have to other us like that? Pat us on the head and tut pityingly? There is nothing wrong with the word disability or disabled. No shame at all. No need to special us - we’re one in six of the the population. 3/n
Reach our full potential? Ah you’ll be calling us inspirational next - perhaps ensuring we have full access to housing, education, support to go out when we want and go for a pint or on a train without needing to give notice. How about that? 4/n
Play a full part in society? You might talk about not putting us away in institutions or infantilising us in family homes into late adulthood or presuming our families should care for us for ever. 5/n
We need Disabled people in Govt, Civil Service and in Civil Society - you might put that in your programme for govt and ensure disabled people’s voices are heard and respected and our rights ensured rather than badly funding unindividualised supports that we have no say in. Fin
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