In the last week or so we've seen concerted misinformation campaigns around a £10k budget for MPs' staff to work from home, and around PPE supplies for Scottish care homes. Every time a lie gains currency, our politics and our country is diminished. Please, please stop doing it.
These are a different class of misinformation from a lie as simple as "the PM didn't really have COVID-19" which can be disproved quite effectively. Instead they take something real and pervert it so that it is made to demonstrate something it does not. There is often "evidence".
So in the case of the MPs' budgets, there *was* an allowance usable if required, but it *wasn't* a cash hand-out for MPs to spend as they wished, it was only to repay any necessary costs incurred enabling hard-working staff to continue to support vulnerable constituents.
In the case of PPE supplies, supplier websites *did* say certain stock wasn't for supply to Scotland, but that's because those companies were helping the English NHS to distribute PPE from its own stockpile. NHS Scotland has its own distribution systems which were unaffected.
Those responsible for the dishonest spin around these two situations, which has led ordinary people to genuinely believe that MPs were cashing in, or that England was blocking PPE supplies to Scotland, should be ashamed. Their misplaced anger is your fault. Stop spreading lies.
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