Twitter is cool for talking to folks. But... I like it for cataloging and processing my thoughts, practicing writing and editing, talking about me and stuff I care about w/o feeling self centered.
Also: sometimes you just feel chatty but you don’t want to chat people to death
Also: sometimes you feel chatty but you don’t feel like talking to people or even opening your mouth to talk aloud to yourself
Also: avoiding work. I hardly ever feel bad for using Twitter to avoid work but I think that I should. Or wish that I did. Which one is it?
Also: tweeting feels like the journaling that I always wanted to do but never could discipline myself enough to do.
Whoa. Tweeted about feeling self centered and, in the very next tweet, I unthinkingly shifted from 1st to 2nd person...but was still talking about myself. Lasted two tweets and then shifted back to 1st person. The subconscious is a muthafucka...
Also: revelations about the self.
You can follow @keithindeed.
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