I have seen lots of posts lately abt "stop texting first/reaching out and see how people don't really care abt you," and guys I just want to warn you how dangerous this is for your mental health.

1. these are strange and difficult times. You may have friends who love you but
are too busy, preoccupied, anxious, or depressed to reach out. They may also be overwhelmed w their struggles and worried that speaking to you abt it could overwhelm you.
2. While wanting reciprocity is fair, and while nobody wants to feel emotionally overextended, pls remember
that relationships (friendships, family, romantic) involve people who bring different gifts and strengths to the table. You may be the one who reaches out more, and they do something ELSE beneficial more. Scorekeeping minutiae isnt seeing the big picture.
3. If you truly feel
like your feelings arent being prioritized the way they should in your friendship, or you want someone to reach out more, it is better to communicate your needs in a way that allows someone to pick up slack and be there for you... than to set them up w a passive aggressive game.
This is unfair to the other party (by not getting a real look at their situation/why they dont reach out 1st) & to yourself by setting up terms to actively look for someone to fail you. This creates a negative headspace, self fulfilling prophecy where you dont matter to people.
I know this is a lot, but I want you to maximize your self worth and the positivity you can get from your relationships. Dont let yourself be mistreated, but bottom line: be proud of your strengths and appreciate what you do get from others even if it isnt the same thing you give
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