I'm having a hard time going back to sleep.
I need to get up early for work in like 4 hours from now. :(
It's midnight now.
Please.... I just need some more sleep before I work myself to exhaustion.
Well incoming English rambling I suppose:
So there are a few things that are holding me back regardless of improving my art in traditional and digital style; 2D and 3D wise and I need to get them out if my way before I can progress.
The first is my old YouTube channel supersaiyan13100
Been up for over 10 years and was pretty much dead for like the last six years until roughly six months ago.
All that I do there is just upload random game soundtracks (and a couple other things)+
+I did that out of sheer boredom during my High School days as a "side hobby".
Now I'm starting to remember why I left it all these years:
I don't have that same level of patience like I used to and it's wasting more of my time than ever before.+
+I'm currently uploading "Jak and Daxter: The Precursor Legacy" OST whenever I can. Once all the tracks are up
I. Am. Done.
I will leave that channel forever and never come back. I don't care what anyone says.
Second is regards to my Demon's Crest VRC6 Famitracker cover projects. I am really close to finishing the whole entire thing.
Just need to do two more and that's it then I will make some tiny changes here and there while rechecking the whole thing.
Upload in one video and voila.+
+And find a suitable picture to go along with it. Either I will make myself one or just use the title screen.
Whatever works when the time comes I guess.
Third is I wanted to start doing a Tool-assisted speedrun (TAS) of Shrek 2 for the Gamecube.
(Sadly not the PS2 version for the moment.)
I've been watching a couple speedrun videos (in any% and 100%) in the past due to childhood nostalgia and how much fun I had when it was first+
+released back in 2004. Plus seeing how broken the game is.. is honestly intriguing to me. If no one else has done it yet I want to be the one to do it.
Or join in if someone already did but either gave up or they got real busy with life.+
+ I already got a suitable version of Dolphin (Emulator) to work on with but I want to use the latest one that is capable of working frame by frame. Maybe I will find it when I can.
Fourth: I wanted to convert a few midi tracks to Super Mario 64.
Back in the late 2000s I had an interest on learning how to create custom music (mainly video game covers) to Super Mario World but due to how easily distracted I get and I cannot sit still I eventually gave up.+
Recently I nearly had an obsession to convert as many tracks to N64 Super Mario 64 but that was just my trying different things and I honestly don't want this to take over my life just like all those years ago.
(Side note: I also wanted to create a SMW hack back then and a +
+ SM64 hack as well but like I mentioned before I don't have THAT mich patience. Even still to this day).
I wanted to make a video with ALL my old covers from 2011- early 2014 (that I STILL have) back when I was under a different username. It was originally to be up on the first of April but unexpected things happened and my plans don't usually work well anyway.+
+ it will take me a while but soon I will make sure all will suffer the same pain as I did (or enjoy. I don't know).
That's pretty much it for now. I spent an hour typing up this thread and I hope I don't have to repeat it ever again.

Thank you for taking on reading this mess and I bid you all a good day, afternoon, evening or night!
(I'm so tired)
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