Left and right I see elitist ass commentary from people under 30 bringing home more than the average family of four. No one needs your pity or “omg how do they do it” comments.
Direct that energy towards structural inequality and barriers. But please get your heads out of your asses when you have multiple security nets should shit go wrong for you. Nobody has to explain or validate “poverty” or “working poor” to you.
Many of y’all are privileged. Which is fine. But unless you’re gonna do something productive, please sit there and eat your UberEats quietly.
That is all. Thank you for coming to my TedTalk.
And if you think I’m talking about you, I probably am you closeted Marxist.
Lastly, hit dogs holler. If you aren’t elitist none of these tweets will phase you.
You can follow @arneespeaks.
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