Hold up! Are some of Jadine fans really attacking Nancy and calling her stupid for saying "nonsense"? You stupid bitches are taking everything literally. Please, study figure of speech. She's obviously speaking figuratively when she said "nonsense".
This is what she's trying to say when she said nonsense(see the linked tweet), and another reason why she didn't say bs is because there might be a lot of kids watching her atm and will watch her live in the future. Awww! What a sweetheart, right? https://twitter.com/samura1pizzacat/status/1250471154407489536?s=19
Plus she's half American... being the considerate person that she is, she'll never want to say that word because she doesn't want to make Steve Rogers' old ass to fly to SoKor just to remind her about her
But seriously, do you really think she'll encourage her viewers to be safe, stay healthy and to stay home if she really thinks all the things that are happening in the world right now is "nonsense" like the way how you perceived it?
You can get Leonardo Da Vinci's painting for free and yet you still choose to buy the paint splattered on a canvas by a random 2yr old crippled pig.
I forgot you guys know nothing about figure of speech and tried to communicate with you using metonymy. What I'm really saying is you can watch Nancy's full live for free( https://www.vlive.tv/video/185424 ) but you choose to believe that clip taken out of context by a 2yr old crippled pig.
I want to add more nonsense to this thread but.... WHATEVER!
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