it's 5am
"why aren't you asleep?" i hear you cry.
well i have a valid reason tonight.
dbd mobile, is certainly dbd and it is indeed mobile.
but it's clunky as fuck to play.
just finished my first match. i know, that's not enough to have a really good view on the game, but even after playing the tutorial + this one game, it feels horrible.

you need to be really specific when it comes to repairing gens, which sounds simple enough,
on anything that isn't a phone. especially using the touchpad to move.

skillchecks are, ok. they're tied to a button (was hoping it'd just be you tap the screen, but no- button) which i'm not ok with lmao.
not only is it tied to a button, but every action is tied to one.
so, your crouch, vault, drop pallet. they all have their own button on the right side of the screen, alongside items, perks, ect. which is nice for me, because i am a gamer, and my right hand is my button hand!!

BUT. anything like, healing another survivor, unhooking,
gen repairs, that gets a button slap bang in the middle of the screen.
why? it's SO fucking awkward to have your thumb reach over and push it.

another thing that confused me, is that instead of holding down a button (like when you repair a gen, attempt to get off hook, heal ect)
it's just a button. which, again, is fine for mobile gen repairs and heals, nothing else lmao

y'know what isn't fine? chases.
you get a button to help look behind you in a chase, it's alright, but chases still feel weird.

wiggling and struggling are fucking shit.
gotta tap two sides of the screen, which would be ok, but one of the best parts of dbd is your ability to then see what other players are doing while you're on the killer's shoulder, or on the hook.

however, you cannot aim the camera and wiggle/struggle at the same time.
it feels horrible.

but i do give props to bhvr. the game runs smoothly, you can choose between 30 or 60 fps, and the maps don't look half bad. neither do the models for the characters, it's quite well done.

it's a good mobile app, overall.
but if you want a decent dead by daylight experience, play pc or console.

not even going to mention how the free survivors on pc, you need to pay for. you only start out with dwight and meg, with killer it must be worse, only starting with trapper.
i may attempt killer and update this thread later.
but they felt like shit in the tutorial, and i think it'll be worse playing them ingame.

well. i'm probably going to bed, so i can wake up at the healthy time of 1pm and play more dbd mobile!! gotta give this game a fair chance.
gn me lovelies.
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