THREAD: As a black disabled person, I stopped believing in respectability politics a long time ago when I became a wheelchair user. COVID-19 affirmed my beliefs.
If I catch coronavirus, drs won’t care that I have a college degree, testified before Congress, interned in the Obama White House, or that I run my own nonprofit.
They’re going to see that I’m a black person w/ a disability.

I don't deserve to be resuscitated or a ventilator.
“What kind of quality of life does she have in a wheelchair She’s black & not saving her is an act of mercy. In heaven, she won’t be “confined to a wheelchair but free." We did the right thing by doing nothing. Now her ventilator can go to some1 w/ a longer life expectancy.”
These are the real conversations doctors are having as they publicly announce on television their COVID-19 hospital policies. They are SPECIFICALLY choosing not to save disabled people and not treat the “useless.”
Stop thinking you being one of the good blacks or able-bodied passing will save you from this pandemic. It won’t. Wake up and fight for ALL of us, not just the ones you think have a future. We’re all in this together and we have to push back against eugenics as a unit.
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