ive always maintained that it was never bernie's israeli settlement policy that would lead to any change on the ground palestine. his position on distancing the US from the gulf states would have done far more for improving the palestinian cause https://twitter.com/stevesalaita/status/1250494611748982789
i think the anti-settlement policy may have had *some* potential, but who knows if it would have had any teeth, people are right to express doubts. either way, a weaker gulf means weaker corrupt political players in the PA
overall steven is right about bernie and his relationship to palestine. i don't think bernie had any personal animus towards palestinians like some politicians do, but he clearly had a pretty weak understanding of the issue other than a few relatively brave positions on gaza
as'ad abukhalil had a great thread on his dislike of bernie sanders, and it wasn't what you'd think it'd be. compared to other american lawmakers, bernie actually was never one of the more progressive ones on the issue, even patrick leahy beats him out https://twitter.com/asadabukhalil/status/1232722859346165761
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