Wow ok so I want y'all to learn the truth about @cholemoley.. We all think she's sweet, but i have an experience I'd like to share. Bc wow.
So basically this chick just.. Wow. Ok. Let me start over.

Seeing her enthusiasm in her tweets about Animals Crossing led to me wanting to give it a try. It looked interesting enough plus I like to join in on a hobby a friend and I can share. It's fun.. I man usually. It can be
I have been going around my incredibly bare island doing didly knows squat. Picking up weeds. Running into weird creature who say dangnabbit. But I figure yeah that must be it. This is the game. It's cute. Oh look I can catch a fish. And I can make a net, which already broke.
I very earnestly understood the game to be nothing more than a low-key camping trip lifestyle vibes on some island. And that's that. Which tbf I was not discontent w.
So then I see a tweet posting all the items this player AC player has on her wishlist, looking to make a swap.

And it looked like this
Um imagine my reaction
IMAGINE MY REACTION... when I'm sitting in my tent that literally ONLY has a cot, and a radio. And a lantern. Oh and my broken net (this part becomes important later in this story)
Linking to this thread. Because this is important. Detour.
Yah sorry I forgot to mention I also have a cardboard box (that is empty by the way, always has been) and a tree branch and sea shell I found walking the beach one day. Yeah so obviously things are popping off in my tent. This is wiiild
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