the tl gonna drag me but i hate the way a lot of y’all talk about obama ...
and the way y’all pretend like racism isn’t a part of how that happened ... is truly ... imma be quiet
and some of y’all’s criticism of him is rooted in anti-Blackness because y’all don’t even criticize Clinton and Bush (or evening Trump) the way y’all talk about this man.
he was one of the first presidents to push for expanded healthcare and FOUGHT to get a single payer option that republicans cut out (even though it was based on Mitt Romney’s Massachusetts plan)
He tried to pass the DREAM Act and did his best with DACA and again ... republicans AND dems fought him tooth and nail
he nominated TWO women to the supreme court and appointed the most federal judges of color in history
he was the first president to try to mend relationships with Cuba and Iran
like was he perfect, absolutely not, but why people try to pretend like he’s the worst man in history of the united states truly blows the fuck out of me and i’m truly tired of it
and let us be fucking clear, y’all’s white savior bernie sanders was also going to be an imperialist the second he got in that fucking office because that’s what the President of the United States is ... and if y’all actually looked at the man’s record y’all would see
he really ain’t get shit done so none of that shit was gonna happen and there were still gonna be cut outs and still gonna be shit we hated him for and y’all would still shit on him less than obama because he’s not Black
and with that said fuck the office of the president! abolish the us!
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