I'm disappointed in our school district distributing grades during this time. Even if those grades are solely based on completion of assignments, I don't think it is a good policy. I've subbed in our district. As I'm sure is true throughout the country, there are children here
who's only access to internet is on their parent's cellular phone. A chromebook sent home from the district has no use other than a paperweight if they don't have internet. There are also children who's only academic support was in school, supported by teachers. They have parents
who probably didn't excel in school and have never been the type to encourage and/or help a child with homework. I know our local teachers are aware that with some students, the only work you're getting from them is what they do in the classroom. This is an unprecedented time
in our country and that extends to education. I think we keep offering opportunities to learn from home. I'm glad my kids have assignments. But I think we're making a mistake in assigning grades in this situation that was set up haphazardly. Just my two cents.
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