Honest questions for any Democrats willing to answer: Is there any option available to Trump for re-opening the country that you wouldn't criticize? If he waits until the end of May, June, etc and unemployment runs up to 35-30 percent and our economy is effectively destroyed,...
...will you say, "He had no choice - he had to make sure conditions were right before re-opening. Doing so earlier would have led to more deaths"? Or will you say he waited too long and is personally responsible for the demise of American families and businesses? If he...
...advocates re-opening by the end of April and 25 or so states with relatively low infection rates open up, when we hear of infections and deaths subsequent to May 1st, will you say, "He had no choice - every week he kept the country shut down brought us closer to guaranteed...
...economic carnage visiting every family and home in this country. Not opening up would have ruined us for decades"? Or will you tweet out the daily death counts after May 1st and call them "Trump Deaths," assigning blame to him for everyone who contracts the virus and/or dies..
...after portions of the country re-open for business? I'd like honest answers - is there any possibility whatsoever that Trump won't get blamed for either scenario, regardless of which option he pursues? Would that be fair, or helpful in any way? And finally - which option...
...would you suggest he choose? Should he open the country and face the inevitable attacks and @CNN "Trump Death" ticker in the corner of the screen, or should he keep it shut down for another few months and preside over the financial ruin of almost every family in America not...
...employed by, contracting with, or dependent upon the government?
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