My current entertainment is preparing to try out a Linux distro
I feel like I've made a wrong choice in selecting to encrypt the backup I'm making cuz this sumbitch is gonna take 42 days (this may be an exaggeration) to encrypt apparently
Omg I just unplugged the external hard drive by accident 😭 I'm the world's greatest idiot
I am doing things and I hope they are right
87% sure I'm too dumb to be doing this but here we are
I absolutely am going to keep complaining because as soon as I figure out one thing, then something else comes up but do not think I am not enjoying myself I definitely am
Fuck man I need a break
This is going to be my longest thread that the fewest people care about but I feel I have made significant progress and can go to sleep and tackle this some more tomorrow
I still cannot partition this goddamn fucking thing I keep looking for different ways and none of them are working
Okay, it might have magically decided to work? Or I'm about to fuck my computer

Let's find out
Well, I definitely partitioned it but I've fucked up somewhere along the way as the install did not work
I guess I should work on this some more now
To all keeping track: I still have not managed to properly install this distro so I can dual boot my laptop with either MacOS or elementaryOS
Pretty sure I know what's going wrong in this particular instance though so there's that
Lol finally got elementaryOS installed but it's not showing up on the boot manager so this continues to be a struggle for me
Since I was successful, I have been trying to figure out how to theme my bootloader cuz it's ugly and I have not managed to do that. So don't worry, this thread will continue to showcase my lack of ability.
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