Calling all Doctor's / senior clinicians.
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I understand that it must be very frustrating when ordinary members of the public become armchair experts in the medical field, especially at times like this, when you're dealing with the sharp end of the coronavirus pandemic.
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Despite having a great deal of knowledge and experience in my own field of medicine [PHEM], I have no expert knowledge of viral infections, therefore, to all intents and purposes I am also a member of the public. I watch and I listen: I read and assimilate.
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I am not quick to fall foul of the misinformation that floods the airwaves and the internet. Moreover, I try to refrain from making any suggestions that might be perceived / misconstrued, as armchair expertise. Nevertheless, with regards to this novel coronavirus,
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I have been down many a 'rabbit hole' looking at graphs and listening to epidemiologists: Trying to sort the wheat from the chaff. There is one rabbit hole where my head gets really quite stuck, and I would appreciate your time.
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There has been some information on medical sites about the new coronavirus attacking the red blood cells, namely the haemoglobin? In good faith, I have shared some of these articles with doctors on twitter. I always try to think about things from a neutral standpoint.
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But, very occasionally something will leap out at me in such way that's difficult to ignore. Particularly in this new situation, where there is so much at stake for so many. I understand from some of the feedback that I've received from doctors,
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that there's no solid evidence supporting the idea that sars-cov-2 attacks the haemoglobin. Whilst I have no vested interest in a particular theory, I do have something of a moral dilemma. My dilemma is this... Scientific research can take a very long time indeed.
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Right now many patients are succumbing to this novel coronavirus. In the absence of good scientific research, and the knowledge that many Covid patients experience severe fatigue, together with poor oxygen saturation (re. CO).
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Likewise, it transpires that hypoxaemia is causing organ damage (re. CO). If you are a medical doctor / senior clinician, reading this thread; I would very humbly ask you...

The next ??Covid pt with fatigue + low sats, please test Hb ✓

Thank you.
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