I got a letter today from @BernieSanders thanking me for speaking at his events & my efforts for helping the campaign. I sent him this response
Senator Sanders,
It was truly an honor to be able to be part of your campaign efforts. I have thought long and hard about where to go from here, and I realized something. Being part of this movement has empowered, educated, motivated, inspired, and woke up not only myself, but
thousands of other like-minded individuals that are looking for hope. With all that this movement has taught me, I will continue to move forward and use my voice to advocate for change. You lit a fire underneath me, that burns so strong & bright, that I would be remiss (2
if I allowed it to die. Not me Us, was more than just a campaign slogan, to me, it is a way of life. I promise to carry your vision forward in any way I can, and I look forward to changing the world.
Thank you from the bottom of my heart.
Linda Jones
You can follow @lindadjones702.
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