Okay well a lot of people are finishing up the FF7 Remake and I'm really not looking forward to being on the side of "I like it and think it's good" opposite to the "How dare they do anything other than exact original story that we already have" argument.
Like I'll admit that this is clearly a product of Nomura and Kazushige's writing styles, (which the original FF7 was too). But honestly I would have been disappointed if they stuck to the original story so faithfully.
We already have that story. It's right there and it can not be changed. The internet itself has long since engraved the 1997 FF7 into history and it isn't going anywhere.
That being said, things haven't gone fully off the rails of the original story so far. Our party spends their time faffing about Midgar, blowing up reactors, sticking Cloud in a dress, rescuing Aerith from shinra and then ending this first arc of the story outside of the city.
Which honestly there's no winning this argument, everyone is going to be upset to one degree or another. Either because the story isn't exactly the same or because they didn't change enough.
I just like the game cause it has this interesting angle to me. And spoiler. The Whispers are pretty much an allegory for us, the audience. This faceless horde of beings that wont stand for anything in the story happening in a way that is not predetermined by the original
Actively reversing some deaths or outright killing others who survived when they shouldn't have. And having the characters actively recognize what the Whispers are doing and fighting against them so they can forge their own future. A different, potentially, better one.
Now I can't say what Nomura and Kazushige intended the whispers represent outside of what the game says they are; a force designed to ensure that fate/destiny aren't altered. But it's pretty easy to read into that allegory I mentioned before...
Actually never mind I'm 9 tweets into this thread and I'm still not sure I want to deal with anyone upset over this first part of the FF7 remake. I understand your anger, to a degree, I'm still bitter over KH3 and Nomura's bullshit where that's concerned.
But I guess I'll just draw this... rant? To a close and cement my place on the side of "The game is good".
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