In case you need to hear this:

If you’re not reaching out to family, friends, co workers, peers or others in your life right now and you feel unsure about how to reintegrate back into your communication or feel bad about it - that’s ok.

Everyone is dealing the best they can.
For some people, avoidance is a way to process uncertainty or fear. For others, you just might not want to reach out to appear ‘available’ when you don’t really have the energy to be present for someone else right now.

It’s all ok, a lot of us are in that same boat.
This goes for the SW world too. If you haven’t checked in with your fave adult hotties, honestly we’re not holding it against you. We’ll still be thrilled to see you when you’re up to it, you don’t owe anyone your emotional energy or ‘check ins’ if you just don’t have it in you.
You can follow @VictoriaRage.
Tip: mention @twtextapp on a Twitter thread with the keyword “unroll” to get a link to it.

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