Relationship advice wanted, please & thank you!
My partner has been clingy since before Coronavirus, but it's gotten way worse during lockdown & I don't know what to do.

Examples before lockdown were getting upset if I went for a walk without him or if I didn't want to do what he did on a given night.
Now we're having polar opposite reactions to stress. I tend to shut down & need space. He meanwhile needs attention & has gotten increasingly upset if I want to do my own thing on a given night.
Tonight he got all upset and accused me of using him & asked if I even like him. All because 2 nights in a row I didn't want to watch TV with him, one night I wanted to read & one I wanted to watch 30 Rock by myself, not watch Mad Men with him.
I should point out I also avoided talking to him for chunks of yesterday & most of today because I get very annoyed he gets mopey when I just want some space. I tried to explain that but he insisted he doesn't guilt trip me when I want space even though he does.
Anyway I think he's being ridiculously controlling; he thinks I'm not giving him needed camaraderie during a difficult time. Anybody got feedback?
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