Essentially four things. 1)
1. The attitude of “GO ALONG TO GET ALONG” - an attitude that gives the power, not to the party with the best argument or best idea, but rather to the loudest and least tolerant voices. 2)
2. The attitude that agreeing, and getting along, that any agreement, whether moral, sensible, or rational, or not, is better than none. THIS IS A FORMULA FOR WASTING TIME AND EFFORT AND MONEY, NOT FOR PEACE. 3)
3. The belief that John Lennon in his song “Imagine” is the way to peace and prosperity, a belief that differences among people result in conflict and that universal conformity leads to peace. 4)
4. They have relied for too long on the financial support principle of the USA assuming they could act whatever way they wished against US interests, and the money would continue flowing because the US craved approval. 5)
5. You see, no one at the UN, or at least few countries assume that the USA will retaliate for their hostile votes in the General Assembly or in one of the various committees or agencies, .... 6)
while if they insult or offend Russia or China or the Oil producing Muslim states, their could be penalties for those choices. 7)
Remember how in 1973, when the Yom Kippur war broke out, fear that the Arabs would cut off oil to Europe if they helped Israel, made Europeans willing even to defy the USA when it wanted to resupply Israel from US Bases in Europe.

So, what should the US do about this? 8)
A. The USA is no longer the only giant economy out there as it was in 1943-45 when the UN was created. It is time that the US pay only its appropriate share of costs proportionately to its size in the world economy, instead of a disproportionate share plus special contributions.
B. The US should cut any and all contributions to UN Agencies that either no longer have a purpose, or have a purpose that is perverted to the interests of despots and terrorists, or that has participated in fraud against the US and its allies.
C. The US should consider encouraging a move of the UN HQ out of the USA, as it has been a financial burden on NYC & the USA for a long time in a number of ways, & used as a source of espionage against the USA, or lobbying the US Congress inappropriately. 11)
It has been a parasite on the American taxpayer.

D. The US should demand the end of some agencies that have continued to be a source of fraud against the principles of the UN itself and have perpetuated conflict rather than ended it.
E. And the problem is not only with the UN. Other International Organizations have also ignored their own raison d’être. Treaties for trade relationships have regularly been ignored by nations who claimed to subscribe to them. 13)
China, the EU, particularly have ignored promises they have made of free and fair trade. 14)
NATO has become a joke in some circles for the failure of most NATO members to ever pay their fair share promised by treaty since its inception, & some say its reason for existence has expired anyway. 15)
And then we have agreements made, that no one can show make any positive difference, but they prefer to stick to the agreements even if they don’t work or if no one complies with their provisions. 16)
The Paris Climate Accord - a joke that does nothing for the climate while it enriches a plutocracy. The Nuclear Agreement with Iran, another farce with no method of real enforcement or even inspection - a piece of paper for the sake of a piece of paper.

Think about it. 17)
These International organizations have been reduced to nothing more than a way to get money from the USA and other than that all sound and fury signifying nothing." 18
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