Tonight’s @seanhannity Thread.

New report says the #CoronaVirus came from the lab in Wuhan.

Finally the mainstream media is catching up.
. @BretBaier his sources telling him they was briefed about the #CoronaVirus starting in the Wuhan lab and not the wet market.
VaChina restricted travel in China but still allowed infected people travel internationally.
. @SenTomCotton if this is true the Chinese communist party needs to be held responsible for everything that was lost. Manufacturing and needs to leave China and come back to the US or other countries.
. @GOPLeader says @SpeakerPelosi is holding up more money to go to small businesses.
. @SpeakerPelosi is holding money for American workers in small businesses hostage again.
. @AriFleischer democrats would rather blame @realDonaldTrump then hold China in the world health organization accountable.
#Breaking now China may be testing nuclear bombs.
. @DevinNunes The dirty cops at the DOJ\\FBI obstructed the republican House investigation. They better be held accountable.

There was critical information left out of the ICA report.
. @mattgaetz either Robert Mueller perjured himself or the FBI withheld the information from him.

@DevinNunes is an American patriot and has been correct this whole time.
. @DennisDMZ Says #FoxNews has really changed. When he found out he was coming on they sent @donnabrazile over with the questions.
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