"With Putin's propaganda there's no future at all." —Garry Kasparov
I hate podcasts get to the point
Ok Garry Kasparov on at 12:57
Garry Kasparov is "absolutely" tired of hearing he is the best chess player in the world, but "ok fine"
Ok I like Kasparov's voice, it has dimension without being pompous
He probably started playing chess at age 6 but nobody was there to tweet this news
He was "lucky" to have discovered chess so young and is thankful to his mother
She told him that playing chess was not just about winning, but making a difference. How? When you play chess it's about finding something new 💛
"Chess is not just a sport, it is also an art and a science, so there is plenty of room for discoveries"
He was not just the best player in the 80s and 90s, but also "the most advanced pioneer, explorer." Because he "always wanted to find something new, to push the horizons, to come up with new ideas. It's also the way you can stay on top" (I AM LOVING THIS)
Staying on top is also dangerous because you don't have opponents, you beat all of them.... I could survive it for such a long time because I always believed I had to fight my own excellence.
Fighting your own excellence gives you a good reason to come up with new ideas all the time
This is @Kasparov63 on @PreetBharara btw... I am by now impressed enough to find their profiles
"It's not enough to win a new game with an old technique" — @Kasparov63
He retired from chess to continue to make a difference, activism, writing, foundation
It was his "blessing" to be world champion in the "very narrow window when machines could compete with humans"
"It starts with oh it's impossible... we are still laughing at them. Then it's real competition. Then machines are far superior forever after."— @Kasparov63
"I thought it was important for the world champion not to duck the challenge" (of playing the computer)
What's life like for the average Russian? And what does the average Russian think about America? Today. He's in exile but his mother tells him it's even worse than in Stalin's years
They used to try to present an image of a bright future. Eventually we'll build a society where everybody will enjoy equal rights... It was a fake but positive image of the future.
Putin's propaganda is different. It's a cult of death. It's not about a positive future. Actually there is no future at all. It's all about Russia being the besieged fortress surrounded by the global evil. It's poisonous, has no positive substance.
Many are buying it because you have to find an explanation for why your life is getting worse. It's an intellectual, psychological drug, so people can take him, just not to see the reality.
Putin is more like merchant of doubts. Whataboutism. WHATABOUTISM (emphasis anonstra's)
What American's have experienced during the lost election season (2016) ... that was a technique that has been polished, years, in Russian speaking countries... The troll factories have already been fully armed to play (that) role
::::::Ok this is getting kinda intense and I can only take so much podcasting. I am going to take a break and pick this thread back up again tomorrow:::::::
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