So Korea had their national elections yesterday with 66% turnout (29M voters)!!! Remember, there’s a global pandemic but there were more voters out than ever. Also, this is how networks announced the exit polls (a thread)
I was laughing so much watching them live on the news last night but Jimmy was like “😒 That’s how you get the kids to care.” Well, true. Also, the networks spent like whoah just for 1 day.

That was just one network (MBC). Here’s another one (SBS).
Here’s SNSD Genie. I mean if ABS GMA TV5 PTV4 CNN etc did election graphics like this, I bet you everyone’s gonna tune in 😂
This is from my own phone, which I recorded realtime. You could hear someone cheering from the side 😂 I mean it was funny but also reeaallyy good. I aspire to be this extra and invested. 🙌🏼

Kindly note that having these CGI would not have affected the results in the elections as they were not for campaigning anyway. Koreans just love going the extra mile and it’s something we all could learn from 💕
So you’re probably wondering, “how could people go out to vote? Aren’t they scared?”

This is Korea— the country w/ the best (IMO) response to the pandemic. They also never imposed a lockdown so ppl went abt their lives everyday.

Just look at this 🙌🏼:
Talk about being extra!!!!

KBS even made this special 큐브 (Cube set) in front of the National Assembly (Congress) for this 1-day election coverage (on top of the KBS studio & remotes feeds). It’s worth 10M PHP. 🤷🏻‍♀️

I don’t think Western countries would even do this.
If you’re interested about the results, you may check out the thread below (but if you’re not familiar w/ the background & names it may be confusing).

Long story short, the Democratic party won with a landslide, and that’s the party of the current pres.
There’s a lot of things to be learned abt the 2020 Korean elections such as

- Koreans love their democracy
- Ppl are in control of their society I think (they ousted a pres just 3-4 yrs ago)
- They are extra AF & will do as much to bring you good ent (even in politics)
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