The world changed with the invasion of #America and as a consequence of the #smallpox virus.

It was this virus that defeated Amerindian communitarianism, producing a "viral revolution" from which the #European #monarchies took advantage to turn 180 degrees & make the modernity
that gave rise to #capitalism emerge.

Which, throughout these 500 years has almost completely destroyed #indigenous cultures and their millennial communal-type system, which created so much #wealth.

As we know, while in #Europe famine, #disease and #crime raged ...
Amerindia was very #rich, almost disease free and crime free.!

If this virus had not been able to conquer Amerindia, which, in a period of 100 years - from 1492 to 1593 when the complete conquest of what is now #Argentina ended - lost btw 80 or 90% of its #population,
how could they have done so with 60 million Amerindians, but it was possible with the barely 6 million who survived scattered on a huge continent, despite the small number of #Europeans.

It is worth noting that the #virus adds the brutality of the #conqueror, ...
but no matter how cruel or "rambos" they have been, without the virus that easily exterminated millions, without the need to use any war weapon and without having any #economic resource to dispense, there would have been been impossible.!!!

#ThinkAboutIt .... 🤔
Those who speak of the "black legend" usually only focus on the harmful action of each one of the conquerors and the defenders of the "pink legend" emphasize how brave and intelligent the "civilizers" were; when the defining issue was the virus: Europeans' main deadly weapon.
It was the virus that conquered Amerindia and destroyed it, to build European monarchies on its ashes, taking advantage of it and turning the world around with the creation of savage #capitalism.

My reflection here with this thread is —-> . ...
If today everyone is frightened and paralyzed by the #coronavirus, how will the Amerindian peoples have been faced with a strange foreigner who was carrying something unidentifiable that killed them with his mere presence or, in most cases, without even knowing the #conquerors...
personally, since Viruses spread faster than their #diffusers.

They may have asked themselves, what powers do these men have to #kill us so easily.

All of which made them surrender before such a powerful #enemy, because the most dangerous thing was neither the ....
... intelligence nor the pride of the #conqueror but the death that came with him, & that later, when they were identified, they were called the "white #diseases".
The sophisticated #weapons, #horses, #armour and everything else they brought were only a complement to bring about the subjugation of the few surviving Amerindians !!!


#NightShift #Reflection
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