Want to know why Hillary Clinton lost? It's Bill & now, the entire DNC's strategy of insulting & humiliating the left called "counter scheduling." It was designed to make voters feel they were earnest by showing a willingness to take on their own base. It also won corp donors 1/2
Counter Scheduling is the status quo in DNC establishment because it won them billionaire & corporate donors, to the point where they don't even have to pretend to give a shit about working people. And Bernie's small donor movement threatened it all. That's why he HAD to go.
BTW, this was my hamfisted synopsis version of Krystal Ball's typically brilliant "radar" segment today. https://www.youtube.com/watch?reload=9&v=dWxyEiTQGKA&feature=youtu.be&fbclid=IwAR20MH98A_tRdsw_4E_Lwiqpj8ztZI-GZwiepJz-fhyWK1txZn8u5vTi-NM
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