I'm sick and tired of over-privileged people that believe covid might be a *good thing* because it accelerates cultural change. I see it all the time, people organizing their little "let's find a bright side at all costs" distraction.

I just can't stand it.

Often yoga people :(
It's the same thing with the old "changemakers" types, who'd casually step over homeless people on their way into Starbucks.

There's just a sort of brittle shut-downness among those folks, and it's made them oddly cold and inhuman: forced optimism and painted on smiles.
We are in this fucking mess because of false hope.

All those politicians that decided not to have mask stockpiles because it cost money? False hope.

Same thing on climate: false hope that it'll somehow sort itself out, and we can continue to burn the environment with money.
I think a lot of this brittleness is people who are rich and basically nice, telling themselves a protective lie: "things are going to work out well in the end, so it does not matter that I didn't use my money to help people."

The conferences are papal indulgences: guilt-away!
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