Extremely sad to see the Development Academy fold. So many youth Girls and Boys Keepers in DC/DMV come to my Goalie Club with the DREAM of making one of our area DA teams. The kids LOVE IT! Great to hear MLS is pushing forward in this area, but we must not forget our youth ladies
I remember the inaugural year like it was yesterday, lost in the finals but it earned me chances to leave the country to play around the world! My sister is thriving because of Washington Spirit and FC VA programs. Kids come ask us for training after unsuccessful DA tryouts.
Alot of our kids worked hard to earn a spot on a local DA team. Just Sad to see it go. What will be the direction now for youth soccer, we all need to go THE SAME DIRECTION, BOYS AND GIRLS, ONE ORGANIZATION, MANY TIERS, REAL SCOUTING NETWORKS
We HAVE to put an end to all these different leagues in one state! It’s not helping these kids at all. One League, in each state! Governed by each states association! As I’m getting older and investing my time in youth soccer, I’ve realized the biggest issue IS NOT “pay to play”
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