I was watching this doc on farming. Mans was talking about America’s obsession with perfect looking produce. No bug bites, blemishes etc. Then he went awf and was talking about how the veggies are perfect looking bc they’re so toxic the bugs know not to eat it...😫
We all know deep down that what’s toxic to them is toxic to us. Not on the same scale obviously but over time that shit is breaking us tf down. It’s so important that in this new future we are creating we move away from pesticides and herbicides.
Continued about how nothing is juicy anymore. Water is life. The Earth is 70% water for a reason just as humans are 70% water. Why are our vegetables dry? Why don’t fruit drip anymore? Because our top soil is ruined. Year after year it gets worse bc the way we farm is BACKWARDS.
The whole documentary was about the fact that the way we farm is fucked. Throughout nature, soil is covered. There’s always a covering, be it leaves, needles, twigs, branches. This natural covering protects the soil and slow drips nutrients back into the Earth as this organic-
matter decomposes. The soil cover acts as a sponge and gives a constant supply of water to the plants. But the way we do it? We strip the Earth bare and it ends up dry and hard. So we till it with our big ol machines, and then we use fertilizer. Year after year we need more-
because were doing it all ass backwards. Take care of the soil and it gives back to you. How could you expect the soil to give back to you without protection? Earth naturally protects itself from the Sun. The ecosystem works perfectly to sustain life and grow bigger and better,
but who comes along with their new ways to grow? Who thinks they know better than nature? Who thinks they know a better way to farm than God? Puny fucking humans.
The documentary is called Back To Eden and it’s about farming with soil cover and how the land gives back to you if you protect it and treat it the way nature intended. I recommend it to anyone who wants to start a garden. Especially if you have land that seems unworkable.
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