With Trump calling out the media for pushing fake Chinese numbers on coronavirus cases, I suspect that reporting will soon be memory-holed.

So I put together a thread with plenty of examples, grouped by outlet.

If we don’t demand accountability, we aren’t going to get any.
Your tax dollars hard at work at @NPR
@CNBC (with a guest feature from @WHO, who continue to cover themselves in glory here)
No surprises from @thedailybeast
These are just the most egregious from @CNN
And a bonus from @nytimes that sure is something.
@ForeignPolicy just running Chinese propaganda here
@AJEnglish, no newcomer to pushing propaganda
@JeffDSachs gets his own entry for this one.
@BuzzFeedNews, with charts that just happen to omit the fact that China is lying.
@Reuters with a dishearteningly bad showing.
This additional one from @businessinsider just beggars belief.
I’ve omitted outlets who showed even a shred of skepticism about whether China’s numbers are legit.

All they need is an asterisk. But clearly that’s too much.
And this, from @qz, is just shameful.
I’m sure there are more I’m missing. I’ll keep adding.
Regrettably, adding @AssociatedPress (h/t @BryanDeanWright)
You can follow @DrewHolden360.
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