+And he, canon, thinks he is better suited for tessa&would wish jem had been in love with someone else (canon too) but since tessa is the one jem loves and since tessa lcves him he cant5do anything but be happy for them even if it's not ideal.+ https://twitter.com/lostfairchild/status/1250138372435214336
+I mean he accepted, lcved a never blamed a woman who didn't love only him. But him and his ebst friend, When he wished he "would come first in her heart"&fely jealousy. And tessa knew that she even didn't mention the jem engagement while Will was alive not to hurt Will(gotsm) + https://twitter.com/lostfairchild/status/1250138372435214336
My point is the situation was never easy on Will or on any of them.
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