1/10 As Canadians continue #PhysicalDistancing, we are closely monitoring for signs that our efforts are having an impact to #SlowtheSpread of #COVID19. #StayAtHome #PlankTheCurve
2/10 It’s taken just over 3 months for the first cluster of #COVID19 cases to spread and establish the pandemic. It is hard to take in how our lives have changed in such fundamental ways over this short period. #COVID19
3/10 At this point, we still don’t have all the answers, but there is some cause for cautious optimism coming from our epidemiological data. #COVID19 #COVIDCoping #WeWillGetThroughThis #cavabienaller
4/10 Because #COVID19 is very contagious, even a few cases can quickly multiply, resulting in a steeply rising epidemic curve. This type of increase is referred to as #ExponentialGrowth w\\ case numbers doubling every few days.
5/10 In late March, when the #COVID19 growth rate was fastest, we saw case numbers doubling every 3 days, but in recent days we’ve observed a doubling time of over 10 days. This means the epidemic is slowing down.
6/10 Though we all wish this could be a sprint to the finish, it is NOT. This will be a MARATHON and there are no rewards for quitting early. #COVID19 #PhysicalDistancing, #StayHomeSaveLives #PlanktheCurve #CrushtheCurve
7/10 Coming down the #COVID19 epidemic curve will be like making our way down a mountain in the darkness. We must not rush or let go of our safety measures, else the fall will be hard and unforgiving. #PhysicalDistancing #StayHomeSaveLives
8/10 We need to remind ourselves that #COVID19 is an emerging disease & we don’t know everything, so the terrain will be uncertain. We will need to tread slowly & be sure of our footing before each new step, all the way down. #CrushTheCurve
9/10 Along the way, we’ll need to closely monitor for #COVID19 cases and growth trends to ensure we’ve got the right public health measures in place to detect and quickly respond to any new cases or clusters. #TestandTrace #PlankTheCurve #CrushTheCurve
10/10 We’ll also need to maintain #PhysicalDistancing until we are sure that all chains of #COVID19 transmission have been stamped out. Any break in our resolve could spark a new outbreak and delay our progress.
#StayHomeSaveLives #PlanktheCurve #CrushtheCurve
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