A long and agry thread, we are abandoning our old people. Two weeks ago we found out my MIL was ill. The symptoms identical to a bout of mild pneunomia she had in 2018. She had dementia and was in a care home but still LIVED, still remembered my wife, myself, our son.
The care home (who are great!) told us they'd contacted the GP and 111. They were told on more than one occasion no GP would visit and no ambulance would be sent. Initially they were told to use paracetamol and if that didn't work then end of life drugs.
We started asking questions and they kept pushing. Eventually the doctor told us he suspected Covid 19 so no visit and no hospital. I asked how he could know, he didn't examine her at all, his answer? "In accordance with government guidelines.
I contacted my MIL's MP @AngelaRayner her office replied, she was too busy to do so personally (so many congratulatory posts about the Labour party and so many Zoom meetings to take part in I suppose). Her office contacted the NHS who told them there was no such policy.
That was all I heard from them really. I contacted @AndyBurnhamGM who at least took the time to respond personally on several occasions. However, all he could get was an assurance that the NHS didn't have a policy of not treating people. My MIL was by now in the process of dying.
You see, she wouldn't take the anti biotics prescribed by the doctor (who suspected Covid 19 but still gave anti-biotics? For a virus?). Normally she would but her illness made her confused and unable to do so. Each day she grew worse but we couldn't see her.
The only time she had anyone visit from the NHS is was a district nurse who came to administer powerful painkillers to ensure she would be "settled". Settled while her body was denied food and fluids. I contacted several media outlets during this time.
@channel5_tv News were going to cover it but decided to cover a garden centre closing instead. The Guardian were in touch for a few days, contacted the NHS and the doctors but then vanished. @MailOnline at least covered it, and I thank them for it. They stood on.
My MIL died on Friday the 10th of April. The day after his birthday I had to sit my 8 year old down and tell him his Nan was dead. My wife lost her mother. The doctor said she was expected to die so there will be no coroner report or similar. Just another Covid statistic.
Maybe she would have died anyway. Maybe her body wouldn't have coped. But you'd think she might have been given a chance, some medical care. We weren't overrun, we weren't at capacity. Surely risking infection for her by giving her a chance would be something?
My MIL, a woman I truly liked, my wife's mother, my son's nanna was left to die. Her family unable to help and the care home staff forced to stand by and watch. But it's not NHS policy apparently so "Sorry about that".
I can't do much. I'm not important. But I can't let this go. Others are in this position right now and they need help. If anyone reads this lengthy post please reach out to people of influence, reach out to anyone better equipped than me to help because people are dying.
Our elderly aren't "useless eaters". They are someone's parents, brothers, sisters, grandparents and more. They worked their days. They provided for us. We can't just cast them aside. Somebody stand the fuck on.
More and more I'm seeing this wasn't an isolated incident. Annie can't be helped now, many others can't be helped now, but so many more can.
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