Why Dating As A Millennial Is So Screwed Up!

1. We Ghost As A Way To End Things

If weā€™re no longer interested in someone, we donā€™t need to tell them ā€” we simply stop responding. If someone did this to us in real life, it would be completely psychotic, but because itā€™s over text or an instant message, we think itā€™s ok.
2. Weā€™re Hyper Focused On Sex

Sex is scarily available ā€” we can have it simply with the swipe of a finger. Thereā€™s zero effort made into getting to know someone for who they truly are unless weā€™re willing to undress and show the most sacred parts of ourselves first.
3. Weā€™re In A Competition Of Who Can Care The Least

Showing actual emotions is heavily frowned upon. If we show our cards and act like weā€™re interested, it leaves the person weā€™re affectionate about turned off and running in the opposite direction instead of being appreciative.
4. Weā€™re Too Strategic About Our Responses

Responding right away comes across as desperate and too available. Itā€™s amazing to see that Instant messaging is just that, itā€™s instant, but we still withhold our response times to show just how busy, important, and unattached we are.
5. We Expect Perfection That Doesnā€™t Exist

Social media and thousands of dating profiles shoved in our faces leads us to believe weā€™re entitled a fairy tale life that doesnā€™t truly exist. We fail to realize that relationships are a balanced bond and that comes with imperfections
6. Weā€™re Overloaded With Options

We move from person to person and even if we land on someone that makes us feel great and we could totally devote ourselves to in a relationship, weā€™re never quite willing to give up the search. Itā€™s pretty much a never ending tiring journey
7. Weā€™re Always Stuck In A Grey Area

Almost relationships and no strings attached sex are the millennial versions of commitment. Weā€™re left constantly wondering where relationships are headed, if anywhere, and stick ourselves with wondering if weā€™re wasting our time. No one....
[CONT]..is clear about their intentions, some lie about their intentions entirely just to have their egoā€™s stroked for a while, and basically no one has any clue on what is going on.
8. We Donā€™t Feel Responsible For The Pain We Inflict On Others

When weā€™ve hurt someoneā€™s feelings, we donā€™t feel even the slightest bit inclined to apologize or to make good on our wrongs. Itā€™s not our problem, itā€™s theirs. A personā€™s emotions, even if caused by ourselves, etc.
This is the end of the thread but Iā€™m going to go ahead and throw a disclaimer in here, even though this price of information is felt HOME, I got it from a blog so down below is the link.


Just thought Iā€™ll share to those who are here interested.

You can follow @Jusalonge.
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