-~{ Activity time!

1 Like = One writer fact!
-~{ Fact #1:

Nightmare may be freakishly tall, but I’m only 5’4”.
-~{ Fact #2:

The reason I chose Nightmarionette as my muse is, because out of all of them, she seemed the most metal.
-~{ Fact #3

I’m a huge metal junkie!
-~{ Fact #4

My natural hair color is auburn.
-~{ Fact #5

One of my favorite artists of all time is Alice Cooper.
-~{ Fact #6

My eyes are an emerald green.
-~{ Fact #7

My favorite YouTubers are Markiplier and http://Fighter.PL .
-~{ Fact #8:

I’m a PS4 gal. Sorry not sorry~
-~{ Fact #9:

I’ve only had sex twice in my life.
-~{ Fact #10:

My favorite video games of all time are Borderlands (1,2 &3), Fallout 3 &4, Little Nightmares, Destroy All Humans, and many more...
-~{ Fact #11:

I own a collection of dildos. Even ones from ‘Black Dragon’. WeeeeeeEEEE—
-~{ Fact #12:

I can drink twice my own body weight before becoming intoxicated. #IrishBlood
-~{ Fact #13:

My favorite supervillains are Thanos, Darkseid, Wesker, Megamind, Solomon Grundy, Doomsday, Pyramid Head, Handsome Jack, Skeletor, Ultron—pretty much a lot of the ones that are either big boys, or with that intellectual appeal.
-~{ Fact #14:

I’ve cosplayed as the nurse from Silent Hill twice.
-~{ Fact #15:

I’ve met the actor who played ‘Darth Maul’, and he still got the moves. Lemme tell ya.
-~{ Fact #16:

My favorite alcoholic beverage is Hennessy.
-~{ Fact #17:

I once hatched a tarantula and it was my little buddy until the day he died.
-~{ Fact 18:

I can almost touch my forehead with my tongue.
-~{ Fact #19:

Once when I was 4, I was shot in the eye with a BB gun. My right eye is now impaired.
-~{ Fact #20:

My favorite midnight snack is a Vlasik pickle spear.
-~{ Fact #21:

I’ve met Marilyn Manson. He’s a really nice guy!
-~{ Fact #22:

I’m a biter. Monch-Monch!
-~{ Fact #23:

In my own mind, the funniest thing I ever said to someone was: “Shut your whore mouth you chicken nugget ankle ass bitch”.
-~{ Fact #24:

I’ve been told that I chew on my hair when I’m nervous.
-~{ Fact 25:

I hate having my picture taken, but I love taking selfies. Tomato, tamahto.
-~{ Fact #26:

I’ve often fantasized about the Tyrant from Resident Evil 2.
-~{ Fact #27:

My favorite thing to say is: ramblebambleboob.
-~{ Fact #28:

If it wasn’t obvious before; I’m a big horror fan!
-~{ Fact #29:

I’ve been to Dubai before. It was so worth it. 11/10!
-~{ Fact #30:

My favorite food is pascetti! Especially with a lot of grated parmesan cheese. Yes.
-~{ Fact #31:

My eyes hurt. Lol
-~{ Fact #32:

My favorite gun is the HK Browning. In terms of ‘bababababababababababababa’, that sound is orgasmic.
-~{ Fact #33:

My favorite fantasy gun is the Microwave Gun from ‘Doom: Eternal’.

Splat! Haha
-~{ Fact #34:

My favorite melee weapon is a bludgeon. Nothing like smashing your enemy to a pile of mushy stuff~
-~{ Fact #35:

My favorite fantasy melee weapon is hands down the big sword that Pyramid Head uses. A gorgeous piece of ‘fuck you in-half’ right there.
-~{ Fact #36:

My favorite doggo is my doggo. She’s a mutt and I love her.
-~{ Fact #37:

I had a crush on Shredder when I was a kid.
-~{ Fact #38:

My right nipple is pierced. It sometimes gets snagged in some of the sweaters I wear.
-~{ Fact #39:

I love coffee cakes.
-~{ Fact #40:

I’m afraid to turn 40. øvø
-~{ Fact #41:

I love giving hugs.
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