MHA is a entire story in itself so it needs its own post:

I met @justinbriner at ALA in 2019 NEVER actually having seen MHA before that weekend. I just thought, “oh, the dude looks nice and we don’t get Texas guests here very often, this’ll give me an excuse to talk to him” 1/?
It was a rough weekend for me tbh, and so that night when I was at the bar with a friend of mine and a mutual, Justin was kinda sitting by himself near us. I accidentally made some sad boi comments about myself and without hesitation he told me something I needed to hear.. 2/?
And he let me hug him because I was so moved. So the following day (Saturday) I had a rough run in with someone that did NOT make me feel good. In my fragile state of mind that I was already in, the encounter repeated itself in my head all day. It did not feel good. 3/?
Saturday night all my friends left so I was drinking my feelings at the bar alone and I see Justin next to me, so at the right moment I scooted over, apologized in advance and confided in him about the incident (because it was guest related) 4/?
He assured me that it was all a misunderstanding and that I didn’t do anything wrong, and we all chopped it up to be communication issues. Long night of drinking happened. We watched the hotel bar close at 3am and then we went our separate ways for the night 5/?
I like to think we became con buddies that night, too. I saw him briefly Sunday morning in some panels (I was super hung over) and although I didn’t get to physically say good bye to him, I did get to tell him that I reactivated my twitter and hope we could still communicate 6/?
And after that con, I started watching MHA (and became obsessed 😅), found out that he streamed on Twitch and from there it was all uphill. Through him and the streams (when they were a thing 😛), I made a lot of new friends and my world opened up a whole lot more. 7/?
So in the end, my most cherished anime memories are the time I spent with him and basically him helping me to find and make new friends, all of whom I cherish so much. So thank you @justinbriner, I’m forever grateful. 8/8

Sad Boi Hours over and out! 🎤
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