👽Being a content creator in a fandom, specially fanartist, my experience thread!
First of all take a look on this other thread: https://twitter.com/cris_tea_n/status/1230239858511224832?s=20
So, in my opinion ART STYLE its not much what we need to pay attention but WHAT WE LIKE TO DRAW STYLE, like, what are u confortable doing, what are u up to, what u enjoy in a fandom (this is general but i will use army as example!)
As i said in the other thread and with what u like in mind we have some kinda of artists (again, this can apply to other creators too!!), first of all
nsfw art
sfw art
ship art

LETS GET IT>>>>>>>>>
the first and i think most important tip are 1) DRAW WHAT U LIKE TO DRAW, because it can be super unconfortable to draw nsfw if u dont like this for example! With that said, A) dont be a criminal, B) respect peoples wishes, respect ages too, C)lets talk about my experience+
i am ace. I dont like nsfw art, I dont do nsfw art. I may draw a titie and not think of it as nsfw becos again, im ace, but i need to take responsability for it, USE TW!, nsfw its not only sexual content
About ship art, well, personaly i dont do like never cause again IM ACE so i dont know where the fun is, however, know your bondaries, dont bring it up to the members and be respectfull thats all i ask, advice!
I thought of this thread when i was trying to beat my insonnia so hehe here another point, consistency. Everyone says consistency and even draw every day but we know this aint realistic so my advice its: 2) CONSISTENCY BUT YOUR CONSISTENCY, i will give some examples>>>
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