Let’s think critically about something really quick and weigh our options with this whole extended social distancing thing (thread):

So, anyone see how China is getting a second wave? Yeah no shit. Bc the virus ain’t going away. And I’d even argue a vaccine isn’t a cure all
Viruses mutate & there’s new strains (I’m not a virologist by any means but you learn a lot of shit when you’re locked in a house for 30+ days)

This particular virus is a novel (new) virus which is why everyone’s freaking out about it. The flu was a novel virus at one point too
So because it’s novel (no one has antibodies yet), everyone is freaking out about it. And I’m not saying we shouldn’t take it seriously, but keeping the economy shut down for an extended period of time is ASSININE, in all ways.

China went full lockdown & now they have a 2nd wave
You think the same thing won’t happen to us? It’s damn near inevitable. But keeping everything locked down for an extended period of time is going to make that 2nd wave wayyyyyy worse

So here’s our options & the snowball effects that will happen:
A) we keep everything locked down. Economy crashes & people continue to handle it in unhealthy ways (drinking daily, little exercise, comfort eating, laying in bed depressed, not getting sun etc.). You think these new habits aren’t going to negatively affect our immune systems?!
We’re only a month into social distancing, most people haven’t seen a significant decrease in quality of life, yet. But if we keep up these new negative habits, I promise 2-3 months from now we will ALL see a difference in a negative way.
So lets say we open up 6-9 months from now, then the 2nd wave hits. Now everyone is more overweight, less active, immune system is worse, maybe still depressed. When that 2nd wave hits not only are we back at square 1 but it’s gonna DEVASTATE the US. Same hospital overcrowdedness
But now we’ve also destroyed the economy in the process. We’re wideeeee tf open for a dictatorship situation of total government control AND more unhealthy/harder to oppose it. I don’t think many of you would be very down with an actual Trump dictatorship now would ya?
B) they fast track a vaccine and have it ready before the 18 month timeframe.

Less human testing, less careful creation of the vaccine, much more likely to have side effects.

Worst case scenario the vaccine actually CAUSES us to get more sick. But my thoughts are that it would
Have consequences later down the road that dont show up immediately. Not to mention the economy still crashes in the process

So basically Great Depression economy AND really sketchy mandatory vaccine. No thanks

& personally I don’t like that Bill Gates is pushing it period
But even if you are planning on taking the vaccine, you at least want to make sure it’s as safe as possible & not rushed right? I mean that’s just common sense.
OR C) We recognize that the 2nd wave is prob gonna happen before a vaccine is safely created BUT people still need to stay healthy & the economy definitely cannot crash.

So logically we prepare hospitals as much as possible, keep social distancing to keep the curve flat
But open the economy/services back up little by little so people have 1) a sense of hope. 2) money to spend that isn’t relied on from the gov. 3) options to keep their health up

Then as that 2nd wave inevitably most likely hits we reassess social distancing measures accordingly
Does it suck that that’s most likely our reality? Yeah. But it’s realistic vs. this idealistic plan of nobody dying and the virus just magically disappearing bc all 330 MILLION of us stay at home like Big Brother asks....

it just ain’t realistically gonna happen
However, it makes a hell of a lot more sense to try to keep ourselves as healthy as possible and still working/having a general reason to live vs completely going against our nature by being forced to stay in our homes out of fear.

Thanks for coming to my TED talk
Also, I’m not saying open the economy immediately. I’m saying once the outbreak is on the way down is prob the best time do it.

1-2 months, 3 MAX of social distancing should be more than enough to flatten the curve & see a decline in cases. We should go by the numbers
And if we’re seeing that they’re still talking about not opening until a vaccine or there’s unrealistic expectations that are in place even after cases drop, it’s our duty imo to start peaceful protests and demanding they open this shit up then go from there
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