Today's mask progress: six completed, eight more cut and ready to sew, waiting on more elastic.

A quick note about mask making: /1
I love making things for people. While I work, I think about the person I'm making the thing for, how special that person is, how much I love them. I am happy to be able to make these.

I am also very angry that I have to make them. /2
There's plenty of blame to go around for how this pandemic has been handled, but let's just say this: if I, a lay person with no epidemiological background, could look at the news in late January and realize this was going to get bad, so could the people in charge. /3
And the fact that we now have to resort to home-made masks in some pathetic attempt to protect ourselves and our neighbors is disgraceful. I am angry.

So I stitch with love all morning, and then I stretch the knots in my shoulders and neck while I snarl. /4
I usually keep it cheerful around here, but even I have my limits. The masks are pretty, but they're also very ugly. /end
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