gemini, libra, aqua 💌🦋

you’re experiencing a lot of revelations these past days & upcoming days. you’re starting to see this person or this situation for what it is. your perspective is flipping and changing so trust in that perspective. this is a step forward.
this situation was a test that mirrored a past lesson you already learned. now you must implement it. you’re escaping the cycle and trusting yourself. this is freedom. it won’t be entirely painless but it won’t be as painful as the first time you chose you.
freedom of your heart, mind and soul is leading you to clarity. you are moving towards the future but to get there you have to listen to your intuition. you thought this situation would possibly go somewhere, but you’re just realizing “oh, this again.” it’s not devastating tho.
this is done and you’re shifting into a different phase. i see it may abruptly end and dissolve altogether. feelings may disperse or you may simply detach and when you run into each other then you run into each other ya know? either way, you’re moving away.
this is a situation that you’ve healed through. the service of this connection and the healing is completed. in a sense, this situation is bringing you even more closure and healing from a past situation. it’s validating your decisions to let go and truly focus on you.
you played your role. they played theirs. this isn’t loss. it simply a shift in your direction & they may not come along in the way you thought they would. you see it for what it is so trust in that. this situation is being left behind for a good reason.
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