Alright, here's a thread where I'm going to praise everyone who lost their job in WWE today, in some way or form. I'm not a fan of everyone there, but I respect them
Kurt Angle is, in my opinion, the best total package in wrestling. He may be retired but he still has something to offer
Rusev gave everything his all and had a knack for comedy, but his initial run showed he could be a serious monster when needed

Plus, he donated money to help WWE personell who lost income. A true good dude
Hawkins and Ryder are incredibly charismatic, even outside the ring. Whether it's their podcast, or their wrestling figure show, they manage to get me interested in whatever they're talking about
Slater's angle with the Legends and his team with Rhyno were pure gold. Dude has a knack for comedy
Mike Bennett is an inspiration to anyone trying to get clean, and Maria worked her ass off after leaving WWE to get better in the ring and as a character
Drake Maverick is incredibly versatile. Manager, authority figure, wrestler, Adam Campbell doppleganger, dude can do a lot.
EC3's run in Impact was great, and regardless of how it went, he clawed and earned his way back into WWE after his first release
Lio Rush is incredibly talented at pissing people off, which is a highly sought after skill in wrestling
Gallows and Anderson were one of the best teams in the world in NJPW, and deserved more due in WWE

Plus, Tex2Badd were awesome
Mike Chioda has been reffing in WWE since before I was alive. Gotta respect that longevity
Sarah Logan's slide off the stage gets a huge pop from me, and I greatly enjoyed the Riott Squad
Goofy name aside, No Way Jose has size, talent and charisma. Someone is gonna pick this dude up and make people take notice.
Another versatile dude, Aiden English wasn't just a good wrestler but also a great manager and a pretty decent commentator, and he used his performing arts background to build his character.
It feels like Primo has been around forever, and for good reason. Even when WWE gave them trash gimmicks, Primo and Epico gave it their best shots. Hopefully we get to see all three Colin's together soon
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