Can't take Ibuprofen because it makes the virus worse if you have it. If you're asymptomatic it can make you symptomatic. Then read it's OK to take. First some Chinese mf ate a bat & got it, now animals can get it from us but not give it to us.
Virus lives 17 days on surfaces I read, then read it lives 5 yrs on surfaces. Heard 18 months to 2 yrs is just the TL for the economy, then heard now that's how long we're all gon be dealin w/ the virus itself. It wasn't airborne then heard you breathe it by just walking outside.
With all this fuckin conflicting information about the virus ... Yes fuck Trump, but in addition to to fuck Trump, it's OK to not like Trump and also say fuck CDC, WHO, Fauci, media (liberal & conservative).. A virus isn't political. Stop the SJW shit & hold EVERYONE accountable!
Fuck your Q&A. If you know real FACTS about this virus go to the media & say them. There's only conflicting information. That's it. Read this thread if you give a fuck. N that's not all of it. Stop making the virus click bait while ppl are dying from misfo
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