Voting & electoral politics under capitalist "democracy" is about collective struggle for the most hospitable terrain attainable, so that we can best continue building our collective power.

It plays into neoliberalism to approach it as an individual expression of values.
“Taking a stand” or picking faves/least-hateds plays into neoliberalism. If your decisions aren’t grounded in collective power, with the needs of our movements as the global working class at the forefront, you’re a loser- not bc I’m being mean, but bc you’re not trying to win.
I hope Biden doesn’t lose so we can best destroy his entire brand of politics, wrest power from his class, & properly fight fire with water. I very much approve of not voting for him in Nov if Dems will win your state regardless, or if it’s too triggering bc he’s a predator.
Otherwise, vote Biden in the general. I have yet to see a strategic case for an election boycott. We can more effectively organize under & against his admin. It feels even harder to come to this conclusion than w Clinton in 2016, but it’s still the only non-powerless approach.
If you’re doing general election organizing (v not appealing to me & I probly will do dif organizing, but power to you)- what’re you thinking/what’s the plan? Talk to people about this analysis + winning down-ballot races is my thought.
For the rest of the primary, vote by mail for Bernie so we gain delegate leverage, & fucking fight Biden to do everything we need (which is also exactly what he needs to do to not lose what should be an easy fight).
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