My headcanon is that Rey and Ben start a force school together, not to raise a police force or monks, but to give children a chance to learn about themselves and their powers. Attendance is voluntary and seeing your parents and making friends is encouraged
They run it for a few years, passing on what they know, but neither of them has a real passion for teaching, they just want this resource to be available. They step down and leave it in the hands of some of the older students.
Throughout this time, they’ve been helping round up the last first order holdouts, which is how Ben is redeeming himself in the eyes of the galaxy. He has inside knowledge that is very helpful
Meanwhile, Finn, Rose, and Jannah have developed a stormtrooper rehabilitation program with an extremely high rate of success at breaking their conditioning and brainwashing and has allowed the vast majority to go live happy fulfilling lives
Rose is the chancellor of the galaxy and rules with enormous compassion, things have really never been better.
Poe has been heading up the efforts to flush out the last of the first order and now that that’s all taken care of, he teaches at a school for pilots, since explaining how to fly is apparently his passion
After they’ve passed off their school, Rey and Ben have a wonderful happy retirement. They have an adorable family and travel the galaxy, trying new foods and helping people wherever they can. They’re kind of helicopter parents but they are extremely understanding and loving
Anyway this is what I pretend happened, and since it’s fiction, it might as well have
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