#stimuluspayment You should have voted for @AndrewYang and would receive $1,000 every month for life.

Think about that in 2024.
Everyone is a critic until they have no income. Then we see all you people waiting in line for handouts.

It's a data check, paid for by big tech giants like Amazon, Google and Facebook.

Stop giving your data for free, put the check in your pocket, not mark Zuckerberg
"I rather work then take a handout."

Hey stupid!

You can still work... but imagine saving this Dividend of $1k a month for a couple of years.

#COVID19 shut down the country and you're unable to work.

Is this 1 time stimulus going to cover the next 4 months?

But that monthly 1k UBI sure does fucken help

Now apply this logic to a random death in the family, you need money for funeral

Or a broken down car, or a broken water heater

It isnt a magic pill, lazy people were lazy before UBI. Most people wont quit their job for 1k/month
Same, I work in healthcare.

But If google is selling your data, you should also profit off your own information.

Your data is your property right, not theirs.
"Who pays for it?"

Harvard Economics Professor Gregory Mankiw supports UBI.

He was also the Economics Advisor for President Bush.

Everyone pays a 10% VAT. Me, You, Zuckerberg, Google, Subway..
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